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Monday, September 3, 2012

It's Back...

We had been experiencing rather pleasant weather for the last half of August.  That's gone & the heart is back.  I am not a fan of the pink on the map.  They're saying that we'll have this for at least the week.  Hopefully, after that it'll drop back down into the 90's F.  Last night's dew point was 73 F.  That plays hell with me.  I haven't had a gout flare up in quite a bit.  I try to make sure I don't set one off by what I eat.  But there's little I can do about the weather.  High dew point weather is notorious for setting off gout attacks.

My foot was sore this morning & I had to go shopping.  The foot was a little more sore when we got home, so exercise that requires standing is out for the day.  Maybe tomorrow.  I just hope this is the last of Summer's big heat systems.  Hopefully everyone else staying cool.


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