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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Multifaceted Care...

This article brings up the point of multifaceted care in regards to treating HIV.  It amazes me that this is being treated like something new-fangled, when it's how patients with or without HIV should've been treated all along.  It breaks down easy enough.  Medicine can not be limited to mere medical tests & prescriptions.  

Treating any illness should involve more than that.  That should be the bare minimum.  The patient should be given support by an engaged staff.  The patient should be made aware of how important it is that he/she is engaged in their own healthcare regimen.  Without this engagement on all parts, the meds & tests can be proven ultimately useless.

Again, I just don't understand why this bit of common sense wasn't already being pushed in all fronts of the medical arena.  Having a caring & involved doctor can mean the difference between life & death for some patients.  If your medical care professionals aren't being supportive & engaged in your care, you need to do your best to find an alternative. 


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