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Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I'm setting in my room with almost every fan in the house turned off.  It's nice not to have that constant roar & whooshing.  What isn't so nice is trying to figure out what all the little noises are in the house that were being buffered by those fans.  It's really weird how loud a house can be.  There are computers whirling & beeping.  The kitchen appliances make tons of noises.  Add in the laundry room or bath & you have almost as much noise as all the fans being on.  

The fan noise could get annoying, but it was basically all the same noise.  This myriad of softer noises is distracting.  I'll get used to it, but for now, I'm having to relearn all the normal house noises.  This has become  an issue because I am a weird sleeper.  If it's a noise I'm used to, I can sleep through a tornado's worth of noise.  If it's something erratic or unfamiliar, I'll wake up at a cricket chirp.

I will get used to it again & I won't wake up going, "OK, that was just the fridge dumping ice in the bin."  Or, "That was neighbor starting their car to go to work at god awful early in the morning."  All these noises are supposed to be there, but for the fan season they've been blocked.   Oh well, here's to a noisy fall.


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