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Friday, September 21, 2012

Another Case of Discrimination...

This post will be short.  This article just goes to show HIV stigma & discrimination are very much alive in the USA.  The woman who wasn't even the driver was ticketed for failing her HIV status to a nosy cop.   Not only was she not driving, they said this was a routine stop, so why the hell was he searching her purse?  He goes on to make disparaging remarks about her & told her that she was supposed to tell him her status.  

There is no law requiring any such thing in this situation.  The cop, was just being a bastard & abusing his authority.  Now, this woman has had to get a lawyer to fight this ticket.  I'm sure the cop jerk won't get a thing done to him.  I hope she sues him in civil court.  If we're at all lucky lightning will strike him.  

Lets recap. She wasn't the driver. He had no call to search her purse & find her meds.  There is no law requiring you tell a jerk cop you're +.  Then you have to fight a ticket.  There's stigma for you.


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