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Monday, September 17, 2012

Just Wet...

It's been drizzling here for days, nothing much just a constant drip.  If you took the past several days rain totals, they may add to an inch, but just barely.  The problem isn't the rain, it's the humidity.  Yesterday, I did my morning exercise step routine & had a fairly difficult time breathing.  I went inside & looked at the weather & we were at 100% humidity.  We've been near that point ever since.  It's not hot, but it isn't being easy to breath in this soupy mess.

I swapped my afternoon steps for kitchen floor scrubbing.  It needed it & I haven't felt like a real floor scrubbing most of the Summer.  It took as long as the steps would have & was about as strenuous.  I should've been able to do that & not really had that hard of a time.  That was not the case, the humidity still got to me & made my breathing ragged.

Atmospheric conditions really hack me off sometimes.  There's simply nothing I can do about them.  I can't change the fact it's been drizzle hell & the air is wet.  It's irritating, because I'm really trying to get my routine back in order.  I can give myself enough excuses not to exercise, I don't need the weather making them for me.


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