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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Short Post, Again...

It's been pleasant enough so far this fall, even if some of the days have been too warm & the allergens too high.  TV shoes are coming back on & there are household chores to be done.  Between that & typical stuff & exercise the time is getting tight.  That's OK, it beats not having much of anything to do all Summer.  Even when there was stuff to do, it was too hot to enjoy it.  

It looks like the people who write the articles I read are in about the same place.  I've seen a lot of rehashing lately & a lot on other countries, but little of impact for my area.  I guess this is one of those times I'll have to go with the motto of, "No news, is good news."  It might not be good news, but at least it isn't bad.  I hope everyone is enjoying the season.


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