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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Getting Back...

Today was the 1st day since Sunday I managed to do my exercise due to a hurt foot.  I had no idea my body had gotten so stiff in those few days from not doing my routine.   I started & was like OK, everything's going well & then it hit.  Damn, I was stiff & sore. It wasn't from the exercise & it wasn't my foot.  It was the fact for 4 days I didn't do anything & my body had stiffened greatly.  

During this time, I've discovered there are a lot of exercises you just can't do with a sore foot.  Most of my routine requires foot movement or a tension cord going around my feet.  Even push-ups & planks end up flexing your feet.   The only thing I really had left was crunches.

But, I'm going again & hopefully my foot will be fine.  It's going to take a bit to work out this stiffness but it will go.  I'm just glad to back on track again.


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