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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I've talked a lot about discrimination & I see people online (mostly HIV- & straight) talk about the stigma isn't as bad as it used to be.  BS!  Take a look at this article happening in the hear & now, in California.  This asshat shut this place down & it's reasonable to think he knew what kind of business was renting his property, seeing that they'd been just down the road for years.  He probably jumped at the chance to screw these "dirty" people over.  

Now, all these people have to worry because the center's records are all still locked away on the site which they can't access.   This man is probably going through those records & planning to do who knows what with them.  Those records could ruin people's lives, not that he cares.  to him any one who would need the center's help are awful people any way.  So, they had it coming.

People this happening in L.A., so imagine what it's like in some little podunk town  in the rest of the US.  Then try to understand why so many people are unwilling to come forward with their HIV status.  Hell, this is why so many of them never seek treatment or even get tested.  They'd rather deal with HIV alone then deal with the stigma.  To everyone out there discrimination against people living with HIV is very real.


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