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Thursday, September 6, 2012


Money, money, money
Must be funny
In a rich man's world...


This article & many others on the web are finally really starting to take on the subject of $ & HIV treatment. The new mode of fighting HIV, is that HIV treatment is in itself, HIV prevention.  They have a point, maybe not the whole point, but a point none the less.  But with their point, comes a sticking point or 2.

An AIDS-Free world via HIV treatment would more than double the number of people on HIV meds.  These meds are expensive.  So, this will also more than double the costs.

Add to that the political, cultural  & religious stigma & discrimination against people with HIV & now you're looking at one hell of a fight.  People are already touchy about their $, then you go & add in their ideology & you've got the fixings for a huge firebomb.

To do this treatment as prevention thing.  There are going to be serious hurdles to be cleared: people's ignorance, their hatred, their greed & much more.  I keep hearing the what-we-should-do's, how about some how-to-do-it's.  I'm not hearing a lot of those.  This all can't keep falling on a handful of wealthier nations to foot the bill.  That just won't fly.  So, how's it going to get done?


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