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Monday, September 24, 2012

Pray Away...

For several years we've heard of churches praying away HIV.   This is BS!!!  This article talks about this ongoing religious hokum that's passing for genuine healing.   It's bad enough when these people claim to pray the gay away.  But when they start talking about curing HIV, cancer & the like via their chicanery it's downright cruel, deceiving & should always be criminal.

England has had people die over this crap.   These people get the virus "prayed" away & then are pressured to show their faith by ceasing all meds & treatment.  All will be well if you have faith.  BTW, if you don't have enough faith, you're going to die.  Either way the fake healer is off the hook.  These "healers" & their supporters should be shot.   Snake Oil sales are alive & well in the world.

If you are +, you need medical treatment & meds, not mumbo jumbo.  Even if these "healers" meant well,  if you follow their advice, they'll be fine & you could very well be dead.   It's simple, get tested.  If you're +, seek out treatment. 


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