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Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's Here Again...

It's September 1st & that makes it my birthday.  Woo-hoo.  I'm not an age oriented person, never really have been.  Still, I'm not fond of this day.  I'm in a slightly better place about it than I was last year, you can check out that post if you like.

This day just makes me feel weird.  It's like I'm supposed to feel something about it, but I'm actually kind of indifferent to it.  I used to hate it, because of a lot things that got associated with it, but now I just find it mildly annoying.  

My roomie, asked me if I wanted to go & do anything.  I thought about it & no, there really isn't.  I don't want to go see an iffy movie for a lot of $ & spend the rest of the day thinking that could've paid the water bill.  Damn my Virgo nature.    Then she usually asks if there's somewhere I'd like to go eat or something to get.  Again, the answer is no.  I'm not really that fond of most of the restaurants in Fort Smith, hell I'd take Wendy's fries & a frosty over most the food in that town.  As for stuff, yes there are things I'd like, but nothing we can afford & little I actually need.  Plus, I don't want anymore junk in my space.

So yes, it's my birthday, again woo-hoo.  The nicest thing about today was that by the time I'd gotten to my Facebook page this morning, there were over a dozen, "Happy Birthday," messages.  That's more acknowledgment of my birthday than I've received in several years & it was from people I play games with on the web.  They may not know me & it may just be a knee-jerk reaction to always respond to the birthday notices, still it was nice of them to do so.

For anyone else who was born today, "Happy Birthday."


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