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Friday, September 7, 2012

HIV & Aspirin Therapy...

This article talks about how few people who are + are taking part in a low dose aspirin regimen.  It's used to promote cardiovascular health.  I'm not denying that it works, but there are issues with it.  The most talked about are the gastrointestinal issues aspirin can cause.  Amazingly those weren't a problem for me.

My problem with this therapy is that is a time bomb for me.  I've tried it upon doctor's advice & not just once, but 4 times.  Each time within a week or so, I had a gout flare up.  These were unusual flare ups as well.  None of my meds or typical approaches to relieving the gout worked as long as I was taking the med. Within a couple of days of quitting the regimen, my symptoms began to fade.  

I'm willing to believe that once or twice, hell maybe even thrice might have been a coincidence, but not 4 times.   It wasn't just the repeat of the flare up, but when it happened & how long it lasted.  These episodes weren't my worse ones, but lasted longer.  Right up until I quit taking the aspirin.

Again, I'm not debating the positive qualities of the medication, I am saying, it's not for me.  I'd also warn any one with gout to wary of a possible flare up while taking this med.


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