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Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's Here....

Now this depends on the part of the world you're in.  Today is either the equinox for Fall or Spring.   Here in the north we are heading towards the cooler part of the year.  While in the south they're ramping up for the warmer seasons.  Either way, Happy Equinox.

I'm happy we're into Fall now.  I want the cooler nights & changing leaves.  What I really want is not to have 90+ F days or to hear lawn mowers for a while.  For now though we're still getting into the 90's.  That won't last for much longer.  Leaves are falling & changing colors.  Sunset is about an hour & half earlier than it was in July.   The surest sign of the impending coolness it that the cats are gaining weight, being more social & their fur is really beginning to fluff.

It means I'll need to go check the fence line for things that need to hacked back or sprayed down.  I'll have to get new covers for the AC's.  Slowly, we'll get the house ready to shut down again for Winter.   The fans will get cleaned & tucked away.   Covers will be brought back out & windows shut for the final time of the season.  

So long, Summer of 2012, thanks for being easier on us than your predecessor.


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