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Monday, September 10, 2012


The exercise routine is once again being suspended at least somewhat for a while.  My foot has been acting up & I've been trying to go easy on it.  There are several culprits to be examined & it might be that multiple ones are guilty.

The exercise, itself, may be responsible for the aching in my foot.  I might have stretched something in a way in which it did not approve.  Then is the possibility I'm just getting older & this is just 1 of those aches that goes with aging.  Several of my HIV meds have joint pain listed as a possible reaction.  I've dealt with those in the past.   It could be a minor flare up of gout.  The humidity & dew points have been high & both are prone to trigger bouts. I've also been on my allergy meds for a while & they have been known to induce a flare up.  Any one or more of these could be why my foot is sore.  It could also be completely unrelated.

This is one of the many things you have to deal with when you're +.  You know symptom "A" is there, but that particular pain could be caused by a host of things or combination of any of them.  Is my foot pain HIV related?  I'm not sure, but it's possible.  Besides the meds possibly causing such pain, HIV can lead to neuropathy.  

For now, I'll give my foot a rest & hopefully it'll let up soon.


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