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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dwelling Isn't Healing...

Yesterday was "the day" in the USA (9/11).  I said last year that I wouldn't talk about it & I'm sticking to it.  I believe to heal from something you do have to face it.  But to repeatedly go back to the place & let it linger in your life is dwelling & that should be labeled as carcinogenic.  

Coming back again & again to painful points in your life won't help you.  It will only prolong the harm.  Face whatever it is that you need to, make as much amends with it as possible & let it go.  Sure, some things do get easier to face over time, but to revisit something like that day for the sake of memorial or ritual isn't helping anyone.  It just drags you bag down.

Another year, has passed & I didn't post about that day, didn't speak about it nor did I pay attention to any media concerning it.  It happened.  It was horrible.  However, other places have suffered the same or more.  Continually paying homage to death is an insult to life.  Nothing anyone does, no matter how many memorials or tribute shows occur, none of that will change any of it.  Let it go.  Let the dead be in peace.  Let the past be the past.  Get back to living your life.


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