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Sunday, September 30, 2012


No, that isn't an alien creature or some mechanized terror from the Matrix.  It's salmonella.   According to this article, it's a new & improved, ever-so-more deadly strain of the bacterium.  What does this have to do with HIV?  

Most of us realize HIV is not usually the culprit that kills the host.  Most people die when their body is to weak to fight off opportunistic infections or illnesses.   A common case of the flu can be deadly for someone who is + & untreated.

This bacterium took advantage of that & use it to spread across Africa & grow into a real monster.   The article states that 25% of the people with this strain died.  This bug developed along the same geographic path as HIV.  It used these + people's impaired immune systems to spread itself & to mutate into something quite deadly.  

HIV gave this version of salmonella its start & the bacteria has taken full advantage of it.  It's very serious problem for the continent & in time will probably spread to the rest of the world.  This is just 1 illness that has co-evolved with HIV, how many more are there?  How many more will there be?  Not treating HIV, will wind impacting the entire world, one way or another.

This was yet another scary article.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Multifaceted Care...

This article brings up the point of multifaceted care in regards to treating HIV.  It amazes me that this is being treated like something new-fangled, when it's how patients with or without HIV should've been treated all along.  It breaks down easy enough.  Medicine can not be limited to mere medical tests & prescriptions.  

Treating any illness should involve more than that.  That should be the bare minimum.  The patient should be given support by an engaged staff.  The patient should be made aware of how important it is that he/she is engaged in their own healthcare regimen.  Without this engagement on all parts, the meds & tests can be proven ultimately useless.

Again, I just don't understand why this bit of common sense wasn't already being pushed in all fronts of the medical arena.  Having a caring & involved doctor can mean the difference between life & death for some patients.  If your medical care professionals aren't being supportive & engaged in your care, you need to do your best to find an alternative. 


Friday, September 28, 2012


Fauxnet should be Suddenlink's name.  My internet has been dropping all day & I doubt it'll be on long.  I guess a better post will have to wait until tomorrow.  I have no idea how long my connection will stay up.  This is very frustrating.  For some of us, the net is our only connection to many things & when it goes down, well we're sort of stranded.

Hopefully this will right itself & tomorrow will be better.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Short Post, Again...

It's been pleasant enough so far this fall, even if some of the days have been too warm & the allergens too high.  TV shoes are coming back on & there are household chores to be done.  Between that & typical stuff & exercise the time is getting tight.  That's OK, it beats not having much of anything to do all Summer.  Even when there was stuff to do, it was too hot to enjoy it.  

It looks like the people who write the articles I read are in about the same place.  I've seen a lot of rehashing lately & a lot on other countries, but little of impact for my area.  I guess this is one of those times I'll have to go with the motto of, "No news, is good news."  It might not be good news, but at least it isn't bad.  I hope everyone is enjoying the season.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Awareness Day...

This article reminds us tomorrow is National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in the USA.  The point of the day is for remembrance & planning for the future.   Over a quarter of a million gay/bi men have died in the past 30+ years from this virus.  During this time we've made great strides.  However, it seems those younger members of the gay/bi community aren't getting the message.  The transmission rates among young gay/bi's are increasing, especially among men of color.

During the late 80's & most of the 90's, HIV was being talked about everywhere.  You couldn't avoid hearing about it.  There were commercials, drag shows & benefits that pushed for HIV/AIDS awareness & assistance.  There were condoms at every bar & the gay papers had huge ads.  Now, sadly, a lot of that is gone.  These younger men seem to have this idea that HIV doesn't matter anymore.  They're wrong.

Tomorrow is about recalling those who have passed & all the advancements that've been made.  More importantly it should be a wake up call to those who haven't got the message to get tested & be as safe as possible.   Here's hoping the day is a success.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012


It's supposed to be Fall already.  Someone needs to tell the weather that.   It's in the 90's F, humid & allergy hell.  I know it could be worse, it could be in the 100's F.  I was really loving those 80's F & the lower humidity.   Still the days are cooling & those warmer ones are soon to be memories. 

The cats are fluffing up & being frisky.   One outdoor cat looks like he ate a dog, maybe a couple of them.  The leaves are slowly lightening.  October is almost here.  September was a pretty good month this year.

I hope everyone is enjoying the season.  I know this is a short post, but the articles haven't been moving me to write about them much lately & not much is going on here at the moment.  Maybe tomorrow.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Pray Away...

For several years we've heard of churches praying away HIV.   This is BS!!!  This article talks about this ongoing religious hokum that's passing for genuine healing.   It's bad enough when these people claim to pray the gay away.  But when they start talking about curing HIV, cancer & the like via their chicanery it's downright cruel, deceiving & should always be criminal.

England has had people die over this crap.   These people get the virus "prayed" away & then are pressured to show their faith by ceasing all meds & treatment.  All will be well if you have faith.  BTW, if you don't have enough faith, you're going to die.  Either way the fake healer is off the hook.  These "healers" & their supporters should be shot.   Snake Oil sales are alive & well in the world.

If you are +, you need medical treatment & meds, not mumbo jumbo.  Even if these "healers" meant well,  if you follow their advice, they'll be fine & you could very well be dead.   It's simple, get tested.  If you're +, seek out treatment. 


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Not Much...

Shifted the shopping day to today, instead of tomorrow.  One of our box fans is dying a slow, squeaky death.  Another victim of the summer heat.  I have to say though, it was somewhere between 5 & 8 years old.   That makes it about a $2 - $3 yearly investment.  Not bad for a cheap fan.  The only thing bothers me is that the newer versions of the same fan are really wimpy things.   They don't have a lot of power & don't look like they'll last more than a few summers.  The older ones will definitely prove to be the better investment.  But every box fan I can find in my area is made by the same company & they're all sorta crappy.  Guess we'll just have to make do, until I can find something better.

Other than shopping & fan diversions today's been fairly nice & quiet.  Had to pull down some light blankets for the living room.  It's not cool enough yet to totally shut the house down, but things can get a bit nippy early in the day.  BTW, the cats totally think this was done just for them.  Fall is here.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's Here....

Now this depends on the part of the world you're in.  Today is either the equinox for Fall or Spring.   Here in the north we are heading towards the cooler part of the year.  While in the south they're ramping up for the warmer seasons.  Either way, Happy Equinox.

I'm happy we're into Fall now.  I want the cooler nights & changing leaves.  What I really want is not to have 90+ F days or to hear lawn mowers for a while.  For now though we're still getting into the 90's.  That won't last for much longer.  Leaves are falling & changing colors.  Sunset is about an hour & half earlier than it was in July.   The surest sign of the impending coolness it that the cats are gaining weight, being more social & their fur is really beginning to fluff.

It means I'll need to go check the fence line for things that need to hacked back or sprayed down.  I'll have to get new covers for the AC's.  Slowly, we'll get the house ready to shut down again for Winter.   The fans will get cleaned & tucked away.   Covers will be brought back out & windows shut for the final time of the season.  

So long, Summer of 2012, thanks for being easier on us than your predecessor.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Another Case of Discrimination...

This post will be short.  This article just goes to show HIV stigma & discrimination are very much alive in the USA.  The woman who wasn't even the driver was ticketed for failing her HIV status to a nosy cop.   Not only was she not driving, they said this was a routine stop, so why the hell was he searching her purse?  He goes on to make disparaging remarks about her & told her that she was supposed to tell him her status.  

There is no law requiring any such thing in this situation.  The cop, was just being a bastard & abusing his authority.  Now, this woman has had to get a lawyer to fight this ticket.  I'm sure the cop jerk won't get a thing done to him.  I hope she sues him in civil court.  If we're at all lucky lightning will strike him.  

Lets recap. She wasn't the driver. He had no call to search her purse & find her meds.  There is no law requiring you tell a jerk cop you're +.  Then you have to fight a ticket.  There's stigma for you.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Marital Blood Tests...

Signs like these used to be common.  I'm from Miami, OK originally & they used to call  my hometown "Little Reno".  The county courthouse sat in a square in Miami.  You'd start on one side to get your blood tests.  Then you'd wait for the results at the cafe.  Then off to the courthouse for the license.   You had to make a decision then whether to stop for flowers & such or go straight to the chapel.  In a matter of hours you could be married.  Nowadays they don't have the test & takes about an hour.

There were lots of rumors about what they were looking for in these tests.  Some say they were looking for blood capatibility for pregnancy & others claimed they were trying to see if the bride & groom might actually be related.   To the best of my knowledge, they didn't have the ability to look for either of those things back then with a simple blood test.  What they were most often looking for was the presence of syphilis & rubella.

Most states no longer require marital blood tests, but a push for their return is gaining ground.   The argument for mandatory HIV testing prior to marriage has been buzzing around for years, here & abroad.  Opponents say that this would be an invasion of privacy.  Hah.  If you're marrying this person, anything that could affect their lives is now their business as well.  Your future spouse has the right to know about any potentially transmittable illnesses you may have.  A person's right to privacy does not trump another's right to safety.

I personally support the idea of testing before marriage.  If you can't do that much for your spouse-to-be, then you probably shouldn't be getting married.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I'm setting in my room with almost every fan in the house turned off.  It's nice not to have that constant roar & whooshing.  What isn't so nice is trying to figure out what all the little noises are in the house that were being buffered by those fans.  It's really weird how loud a house can be.  There are computers whirling & beeping.  The kitchen appliances make tons of noises.  Add in the laundry room or bath & you have almost as much noise as all the fans being on.  

The fan noise could get annoying, but it was basically all the same noise.  This myriad of softer noises is distracting.  I'll get used to it, but for now, I'm having to relearn all the normal house noises.  This has become  an issue because I am a weird sleeper.  If it's a noise I'm used to, I can sleep through a tornado's worth of noise.  If it's something erratic or unfamiliar, I'll wake up at a cricket chirp.

I will get used to it again & I won't wake up going, "OK, that was just the fridge dumping ice in the bin."  Or, "That was neighbor starting their car to go to work at god awful early in the morning."  All these noises are supposed to be there, but for the fan season they've been blocked.   Oh well, here's to a noisy fall.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Slept Well...

Last night was slightly stormy  & the dew point dropped out of the 70's F into the low 60's.   It was a little chilly, but just perfect for sleeping.  It really is amazing how much more together I feel after a good night's sleep.  This isn't just about the length of time I slept either.  Equally important is how deep I slept.  Too light of a sleep & I wake up feeling tired & needing more rest.  However, too deep & I wake up feeling like a zombie.

We're aware of the need to sleep, yet many, if not most, fail to get adequate sleep.   You can Google or Wiki, sleep deprivation for specifics on the matter, but the gist of it is that we need sleep.  This article  discusses HIV & issues with sleep.

HIV can affect your ability to sleep in many ways.  It can lead to stress over the illness & finances.  The virus itself can interfere with sleep.  Several meds have been shown to interrupt  sleep.  HIV can be so hard on the body that it's just difficult to rest.

This lack of sleep can lead to fatigue, insomnia & depression.  These factors can lead to further degraded physical health & stamina.  This can drastically alter your body's ability to cope with HIV.  It's a vicious circle.  HIV affects your sleep, your lack of sleep impacts your HIV.  If you are having ongoing sleep issues you seriously need to talk to your doctor.  This is your health we're talking about.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Just Wet...

It's been drizzling here for days, nothing much just a constant drip.  If you took the past several days rain totals, they may add to an inch, but just barely.  The problem isn't the rain, it's the humidity.  Yesterday, I did my morning exercise step routine & had a fairly difficult time breathing.  I went inside & looked at the weather & we were at 100% humidity.  We've been near that point ever since.  It's not hot, but it isn't being easy to breath in this soupy mess.

I swapped my afternoon steps for kitchen floor scrubbing.  It needed it & I haven't felt like a real floor scrubbing most of the Summer.  It took as long as the steps would have & was about as strenuous.  I should've been able to do that & not really had that hard of a time.  That was not the case, the humidity still got to me & made my breathing ragged.

Atmospheric conditions really hack me off sometimes.  There's simply nothing I can do about them.  I can't change the fact it's been drizzle hell & the air is wet.  It's irritating, because I'm really trying to get my routine back in order.  I can give myself enough excuses not to exercise, I don't need the weather making them for me.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Just 6 More Days...

There is less than a week left of the season & Summer 2012 will be over.    Fall is on it's way.  We've been cooling down quite a bit, but the added humidity is making up for it.  This season was far easier than last years.  I'm not sure how pretty this fall will be, we've been in a drought here.  Most of the leaves are looking more scorched than colorful, but they are beginning to change & fall.

I talk about the weather & seasons a lot here, but those things really do affect my health & well-being.  I know what to expect by what the weather's like.   Unlike factors that affect my health, the weather is definitely 1 beyond my control, so I have to pay attention to it.  

I'm getting a lot more sleep & exercise has mostly been easier.  I'm having to watch the humidity & dew point to keep my gout at bay.  The added humidity is making the morning routines a bit breathy.  So far, Autumn is looking like it's going to be a good season.  

The cat's are being more friendly.  We are going to be able to get into some of our routines we had to let on due the summer heat.  It'll be Fall cleaning, getting everything ready to be shut down for the Winter.  


Saturday, September 15, 2012


Mutation has long been the BFF of many viruses, especially HIV.  These mutations have allowed viral culprits to plague mankind.   Even as a vaccines or remedies are developed, the viruses are busy breeding the next gen version of themselves to better withstand these assaults.

HIV & it mutations have allowed it to certain level of immunity towards standard meds.  It has proven capable of altering its makeup to adapt to specifically designed, HIV meds.  Drug resistance has been & will remain a serious issue when dealing with HIV.  

Overtime many species; rats, roaches, even humans, can become resistant to things.    The problem for these species is the amount of time it takes for them to produce the next generation.  Viruses are in a near constant state of self replication.  Compared to humans that's amazing.  By the time a child is born, grows & is capable of procreation, a virus could well be into generations marked by the 1,000's , if not more.

Mutations aren't always for the better. & according to this article researchers have a mutation that limits HIV's ability to be resistant to medications.  This could prove to be 1 the biggest discoveries in dealing with this illness.  This, along with other treatments, might actually allow the possibility of a vaccine or cure.  This should prove interesting.


Friday, September 14, 2012


For those of you who might wonder what impact you have on the world around you, I've got a point to make.  Not to get all, It's A Wonderful Life, on you here, but our presence & actions do affect those  around us.  I've been writing my blog for about 18 months.   During this time, I've convinced myself I can be consistently committed to something.  

During my 1st year, I suggested to my roomie that she start blogging.  She did & has been for nearly as long as I have.   Her take on the matter is here.  

The point is that since I started blogging, I influenced someone else to do the same.  She eventually came to the same conclusion I did, she could be committed to something she choose to be dedicated to.  From our dedication to these blogs we have both found enough drive to start exercising.   We are both starting to lose weight & become healthier people.  It isn't a quick process, but it is an ongoing process.  One that we probably never would've considered engaging in if not for our blogs.

Recently, we've both been trying to find more of our own voice again.  Particularly in regards to our writing.   We've both entered a flash fiction contest, here.  Her's is The Secret Pocket & mine is entitled Tea Party.  Take a look if you'd like.  You might even enter it yourself.

The point is when I started blogging, I didn't think it would lead to me exercising or entering writing contests.  I really didn't expect it to lead to someone else doing the same.  And I have no way of knowing what impact my blogging has had on others directly or otherwise.  Whenever you doubt your impact on the world, stop & realize the impact may be subtle & unseen by your eyes, but that doesn't mean it isn't tremendous to someone else.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Getting Back...

Today was the 1st day since Sunday I managed to do my exercise due to a hurt foot.  I had no idea my body had gotten so stiff in those few days from not doing my routine.   I started & was like OK, everything's going well & then it hit.  Damn, I was stiff & sore. It wasn't from the exercise & it wasn't my foot.  It was the fact for 4 days I didn't do anything & my body had stiffened greatly.  

During this time, I've discovered there are a lot of exercises you just can't do with a sore foot.  Most of my routine requires foot movement or a tension cord going around my feet.  Even push-ups & planks end up flexing your feet.   The only thing I really had left was crunches.

But, I'm going again & hopefully my foot will be fine.  It's going to take a bit to work out this stiffness but it will go.  I'm just glad to back on track again.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dwelling Isn't Healing...

Yesterday was "the day" in the USA (9/11).  I said last year that I wouldn't talk about it & I'm sticking to it.  I believe to heal from something you do have to face it.  But to repeatedly go back to the place & let it linger in your life is dwelling & that should be labeled as carcinogenic.  

Coming back again & again to painful points in your life won't help you.  It will only prolong the harm.  Face whatever it is that you need to, make as much amends with it as possible & let it go.  Sure, some things do get easier to face over time, but to revisit something like that day for the sake of memorial or ritual isn't helping anyone.  It just drags you bag down.

Another year, has passed & I didn't post about that day, didn't speak about it nor did I pay attention to any media concerning it.  It happened.  It was horrible.  However, other places have suffered the same or more.  Continually paying homage to death is an insult to life.  Nothing anyone does, no matter how many memorials or tribute shows occur, none of that will change any of it.  Let it go.  Let the dead be in peace.  Let the past be the past.  Get back to living your life.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

ANSAR Test..

Woke up awfully early to get to the doctor's office for my ANSAR.   It's some kind of autonomic nervous system monitoring device.   I've never had one of these before & I'm always weary of anything to do with the doctor's office, including him. I wasn't pleased that I had to be there at 8 AM, but I got there.

The test didn't last too long, about 20 minutes.   I was seated in a chair & the tech attached 3 leads to me, 1 on my left side & 2 on my chest.   Then it began.    To start I had to remain still & quiet for 5 minutes.  Then there was a minute of deep breathes & releases.  Then you rested.  Then there was a period of deep breaths that were held with stomach muscles tightened.  The tech said to imagine you were straining to go to the bathroom.  Then there was some more resting.  Then a 5 minute period of standing.  That was it.

Apparently some people are put on an incline, but I wasn't.  The test was non-invasive.  I just hate not having a doctor there right then to tell you your results.  I was told that my doctor would call me in a day or 2 if anything needed to be done.  If not I could wait until my next appointment to ask him about it.  Oh well, it's done.


Monday, September 10, 2012


The exercise routine is once again being suspended at least somewhat for a while.  My foot has been acting up & I've been trying to go easy on it.  There are several culprits to be examined & it might be that multiple ones are guilty.

The exercise, itself, may be responsible for the aching in my foot.  I might have stretched something in a way in which it did not approve.  Then is the possibility I'm just getting older & this is just 1 of those aches that goes with aging.  Several of my HIV meds have joint pain listed as a possible reaction.  I've dealt with those in the past.   It could be a minor flare up of gout.  The humidity & dew points have been high & both are prone to trigger bouts. I've also been on my allergy meds for a while & they have been known to induce a flare up.  Any one or more of these could be why my foot is sore.  It could also be completely unrelated.

This is one of the many things you have to deal with when you're +.  You know symptom "A" is there, but that particular pain could be caused by a host of things or combination of any of them.  Is my foot pain HIV related?  I'm not sure, but it's possible.  Besides the meds possibly causing such pain, HIV can lead to neuropathy.  

For now, I'll give my foot a rest & hopefully it'll let up soon.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chilly Night...

Last night was another chilly night.  The days are still warm, but summer is fading.   Just 13 days until the beginning of Fall & we can leave this Summer behind.  There may still be some warmer days but mostly we're on the downhill slide from here out.

This is good, but my body has to voice some issues with it of course.   This time of year is allergy hell for me, even with meds, they can still get to me.  I hate ragweed, kill it off, every bit of it.  The cooler weather also leads to different sleeping patterns & positions.  These often leaves me feeling very stiff in the mornings.

For now, the weather & myself are both in transition.  Slowly we're edging towards the Autumn & leaving the blaze of Summer behind.  I'm looking forward to cooler sleeping weather.   Cheers to the coming Fall.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Just Stupid...

This article discusses the death of a woman who was slain by a lover after he was made aware that the was +.   according to his statement, she didn't tell him until after they had been sexually active.   He stated, "She killed me, so I killed her."  Then he left the mess of stabbed corpse to be found by the woman's 2 young children after they returned home from school.

To begin with, we can't be sure when she told him she was +, because she can't tell us for herself,  Why is that, because he killed her.  Having HIV today is not a death sentence.  Even if she did tell him after the fact, there is no guarantee he was infected.  Even if he was, he could've survived.

This is a matter of responsibility.  She should have told him of here status before having sex  with him.  He should've asked of her status.  He should've worn a condom.  Even if she did conceal her status, he isn't completely free of responsibility here.  It is 1st & foremost every adult individual's  responsibility to themselves to insure their own safety & well being as much as feasibly possible.  This man did not, if he had he wouldn't have been so terrified of becoming + that he felt justified in killing this woman.

When it comes to contracting the virus, most people could've avoided becoming HIV +.  There are instances when it isn't something a person can prevent, but most of the time it was a matter poor judgement & decision making.  This man should just be shot, for what he did to her, her kids, the people who had to deal with his mess & even himself.  


Friday, September 7, 2012

HIV & Aspirin Therapy...

This article talks about how few people who are + are taking part in a low dose aspirin regimen.  It's used to promote cardiovascular health.  I'm not denying that it works, but there are issues with it.  The most talked about are the gastrointestinal issues aspirin can cause.  Amazingly those weren't a problem for me.

My problem with this therapy is that is a time bomb for me.  I've tried it upon doctor's advice & not just once, but 4 times.  Each time within a week or so, I had a gout flare up.  These were unusual flare ups as well.  None of my meds or typical approaches to relieving the gout worked as long as I was taking the med. Within a couple of days of quitting the regimen, my symptoms began to fade.  

I'm willing to believe that once or twice, hell maybe even thrice might have been a coincidence, but not 4 times.   It wasn't just the repeat of the flare up, but when it happened & how long it lasted.  These episodes weren't my worse ones, but lasted longer.  Right up until I quit taking the aspirin.

Again, I'm not debating the positive qualities of the medication, I am saying, it's not for me.  I'd also warn any one with gout to wary of a possible flare up while taking this med.


Thursday, September 6, 2012


Money, money, money
Must be funny
In a rich man's world...


This article & many others on the web are finally really starting to take on the subject of $ & HIV treatment. The new mode of fighting HIV, is that HIV treatment is in itself, HIV prevention.  They have a point, maybe not the whole point, but a point none the less.  But with their point, comes a sticking point or 2.

An AIDS-Free world via HIV treatment would more than double the number of people on HIV meds.  These meds are expensive.  So, this will also more than double the costs.

Add to that the political, cultural  & religious stigma & discrimination against people with HIV & now you're looking at one hell of a fight.  People are already touchy about their $, then you go & add in their ideology & you've got the fixings for a huge firebomb.

To do this treatment as prevention thing.  There are going to be serious hurdles to be cleared: people's ignorance, their hatred, their greed & much more.  I keep hearing the what-we-should-do's, how about some how-to-do-it's.  I'm not hearing a lot of those.  This all can't keep falling on a handful of wealthier nations to foot the bill.  That just won't fly.  So, how's it going to get done?


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back From The Docs...

I had an office visit with my primary care physician today & he's happy with the way my blood pressure is going.  I have to go see him a few more times this year.  I'll see him for an ANSAR test on the 11th.  He said he wanted it done whenever I could get to it.  He didn't seem all the concerned about it.  It may be a new toy for all I know.  I decided to take the 1st appointment I could get.

I have another office visit in the beginning of December.  Hopefully, I'll have lost some more weight by then.  I would love to have lost another 10 by then.  I'm not happy with this new thing that I have to meet with my physician every 3 months.  I'm not a fan of doctors' offices.

Somewhere in October I'll go in & get my flu shot.  I've been really good about keeping up with these for over a decade.  Woo-hoo for me something else I've actually kept going.

Well, the appointment threw off my schedule & it's hot, so that's it for now.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I've talked a lot about discrimination & I see people online (mostly HIV- & straight) talk about the stigma isn't as bad as it used to be.  BS!  Take a look at this article happening in the hear & now, in California.  This asshat shut this place down & it's reasonable to think he knew what kind of business was renting his property, seeing that they'd been just down the road for years.  He probably jumped at the chance to screw these "dirty" people over.  

Now, all these people have to worry because the center's records are all still locked away on the site which they can't access.   This man is probably going through those records & planning to do who knows what with them.  Those records could ruin people's lives, not that he cares.  to him any one who would need the center's help are awful people any way.  So, they had it coming.

People this happening in L.A., so imagine what it's like in some little podunk town  in the rest of the US.  Then try to understand why so many people are unwilling to come forward with their HIV status.  Hell, this is why so many of them never seek treatment or even get tested.  They'd rather deal with HIV alone then deal with the stigma.  To everyone out there discrimination against people living with HIV is very real.


Monday, September 3, 2012

It's Back...

We had been experiencing rather pleasant weather for the last half of August.  That's gone & the heart is back.  I am not a fan of the pink on the map.  They're saying that we'll have this for at least the week.  Hopefully, after that it'll drop back down into the 90's F.  Last night's dew point was 73 F.  That plays hell with me.  I haven't had a gout flare up in quite a bit.  I try to make sure I don't set one off by what I eat.  But there's little I can do about the weather.  High dew point weather is notorious for setting off gout attacks.

My foot was sore this morning & I had to go shopping.  The foot was a little more sore when we got home, so exercise that requires standing is out for the day.  Maybe tomorrow.  I just hope this is the last of Summer's big heat systems.  Hopefully everyone else staying cool.


Sunday, September 2, 2012


I mentioned yesterday it was my birthday & a lot of Facebook people wished me a happy one. What I didn't mention is that besides my roommate & my dentist's office, those were the only acknowledgements I received.  I'm not angling for sympathy here, I'm trying to make a point.  In today's world it's very easy for people, especially those who are chronically ill, to become disconnected.  

I used to live in a much larger city & was highly social.  It was rare for me to ever be home at all.  All I really did there was shower & sleep.  That's no longer the case.  Now, for a myriad of reasons, I hardly ever go any where.  For me & many other people, the net has become are means of "going" places & interacting with people.  

Is it the best way?  For most people it's probably not, but it's better than nothing.  For others, it may be the only interaction they can handle.  For some people, those interactions via Facebook, Twitter or other chats/forums may be all they have.   Those daily acknowledgements may be the only thing keeping some people going.  

It's very easy to become isolated when you're ill.  You don't feel well. A lot of people get irritated when others are ill for extended times.  Some people just can't handle being around sick people.  For whatever reason a lot of people living with HIV become isolated.  This solitude can affect their mental condition &  worsen their health.  Even though social media may not be a perfect answer or a replacement for 1 on 1 interaction, it still beats nothing.  


Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's Here Again...

It's September 1st & that makes it my birthday.  Woo-hoo.  I'm not an age oriented person, never really have been.  Still, I'm not fond of this day.  I'm in a slightly better place about it than I was last year, you can check out that post if you like.

This day just makes me feel weird.  It's like I'm supposed to feel something about it, but I'm actually kind of indifferent to it.  I used to hate it, because of a lot things that got associated with it, but now I just find it mildly annoying.  

My roomie, asked me if I wanted to go & do anything.  I thought about it & no, there really isn't.  I don't want to go see an iffy movie for a lot of $ & spend the rest of the day thinking that could've paid the water bill.  Damn my Virgo nature.    Then she usually asks if there's somewhere I'd like to go eat or something to get.  Again, the answer is no.  I'm not really that fond of most of the restaurants in Fort Smith, hell I'd take Wendy's fries & a frosty over most the food in that town.  As for stuff, yes there are things I'd like, but nothing we can afford & little I actually need.  Plus, I don't want anymore junk in my space.

So yes, it's my birthday, again woo-hoo.  The nicest thing about today was that by the time I'd gotten to my Facebook page this morning, there were over a dozen, "Happy Birthday," messages.  That's more acknowledgment of my birthday than I've received in several years & it was from people I play games with on the web.  They may not know me & it may just be a knee-jerk reaction to always respond to the birthday notices, still it was nice of them to do so.

For anyone else who was born today, "Happy Birthday."
