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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Toon Time...

Today's challenge concerned your favorite animated character.  Again, with the Kyle Broflovski, "Really?"  You have got to be kidding, I am in my 40's & have been an avid toon person all my life, TV & movies.  I can't even really list them, the list would be huge.  I love a lot of Hanna Barbera, the Looney Toons, Harvey cartoons & other classics.  I love the comic-booked based toons & sci-fi/fantasy ones.  It wasn't until things got so product-centric that I started having problems with cartoons & film animation.

I think animation is an ingrained part of our lives in the US.  Even if some of us "adults" like to consider animation kids' stuff.  I bet most of us still smile when we see our favorite childhood toon or hear it's theme song.  I can still remember the lyrics to all the various Scooby Doo themes.  To handle this I am going to stick with four more modern toons.  

To start this one, I am not even a big fan of the Avengers comic series.  They annoy me.  I wish someone would just shoot Tony Stark.  I've loved The Batman, Teen Titans, the various Spider-Man franchises, the Justice League, etc...  But I have to hand it too this version of the Avengers, they nailed the toon.  I hate the theme song, but they developed a well thought out & appealing cartoon.  I may like the Justice League better as a comic line, but they lost to this cartoon.

My next selection is Star Wars: The Clone Wars.  Again, not the biggest fan of this franchise.  I'm still not that big of fan of the main characters, but I love the one's they brought in for this one & it's mini predecessor.  Ahsoka Tano & Asajj Ventress.   What I really like about this part of the Star Wars story is that I feel it is better developed than any of the movies.  I will miss this when it's gone after this year.  I do not miss the movies at all.

I love the Total Drama Series.  This spooftastic cartoon absolutely rocked. Gwen was always my favorite.  This toon allowed us to openly mock so many of our guilty pleasures, reality shows.  I am sad it had to go away.  It'll be hard to get that snark back in anything else.

Generator Rex is the one I'll close out with.  I know it's a steal from several animes, but wasn't a rip these days?  Rex is one of the most fully developed & envisioned shows on right now, that's including live action television.  Even if this can be called an Akiraesque rip-off, it at least has found a way to make the steal it's own.  There are elements from many genres in this toon & the way they're written they all mesh into a cohesive story.  If you haven't seen it, give it a try.

So, there's my entry on this matter.  Nothing will ever take Scooby's place in my toon heart or replace the Batman.   This doesn't even get into the movies or animes.   Maybe will get back to that someday. These four represent my toon watching at this time.  (BTW, I have hated the current version of Scooby Doo & I'm not too fond of the last season of Clone Wars).  These are my choices, waht are yours?


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