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Sunday, July 1, 2012


Be careful what you ask for.  Earlier this week, I griped about being in the pink (in reference to the temperature map that has anything over 100 F colored in pink).  Well, today most likely will stay in the red or the 90's.   Sounds good.  At least until you take into consideration when we were in the 100's we had almost no humidity.  Now in the 90's, it's a soupy mess.

Anyone who doesn't understand the phrase, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity," has never spent much time in the South.  The heat & extreme light are hell, but they're nothing compared to the swamp that comes with a hot, humid day.   I will take 102 with 20% humidity any day over 89 with 50%+ humidity.  High humidity  can easily aggravate heat issues like heat exhaustion/stroke & fatigue.

Just because your not at the century mark does't mean you're safe out there with high humidity.


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