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Thursday, July 19, 2012


This article over at HuffPost examines the social situation surrounding HIV from the 1980's forward.  Even though there have been many changes in the medical aspects, the social responses are still lacking.  In much of the world, even today, the social, cultural & even legal responses to being + can be as bad as having the disease. 

On one hand the idea of a cure is thrilling.  But then again, I think, "What the hell will I do then?"  I've been  + for over a decade & I'm in my 40's.   This virus has done a number on me & even if they cure it, damage has been done.  

I've written about being + in my area before & the problems it can cause a person.  Hell, being gay can be challenging enough in Oklahoma, let alone + & gay.  If I had to find a job today, the way it is in this area, I have no doubt, I'd have to relocate somehow. Between the rednecks, Bible-Thumpers & other idiots, there'd be no way I'd get hired where I live.  I realize things are better in a lot of ways for both gays & + people today, but they still have a long way to go.  Maybe someday.


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