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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Should It Be Mandatory...

Someone I chat with asked me if I thought HIV testing should be mandatory.  She added the qualifier of those people residing in the USA.  Still the topic is sticky.

There is the matter of one's right to privacy.  Personally, I happen to think in matters of public health & communicable diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, TB & the like, public health should trump personal privacy.  Then that brings up the ramifications.  If Obama's health care laws sty in place, I"m fine with all this

I don't want to give any insurance agency more of a reason to withhold coverage from someone.  Being + is all the reason they need to give you the boot.  They may not say it's for that, but they'll find a way.  Just like if you have yourself tested for genetic markers for certain cancers.  If it turns out you have the marker, I bet your insurance will evaporate within a year. 

My answer to the question of should there be mandatory testing in the USA, is qualified:

1.  Is there opportunity for insurance coverage if they are +
2.  Will they have access to support if they are +
3.  Will they have access to meds/medical care if they are +
4.  Other than health officials will this info be private

If the answer to these questions is yes, then I would opt for mandatory testing.  If not, then I wouldn't.  What do you think?


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