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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Odd Morning...

The weather is on a warming trend.  I was happy where we were, but knew it wouldn't last.  It amazes me how much weather changes how I feel.  Last week, I was fairly active & feeling fairly well.  The temperature & humidity has risen & now I'm not feeling so great.

Being + affects my well-being enough even though I am on meds.  But the weather aggravates the situation. I don't sleep as well in the warmer nights.   My feet are slightly swollen & my digestion is irritated.  So I'm tired, puffy & gassy.  That makes me really feel like doing my exercise routine.

I know it will pass when things cool down, but that could be a couple of months down the road.  For now, I'll do my best to stay cool & hydrated.  I used to seriously hate colder weather.  Now that I'm + & on meds, a cooler climate sounds nice.  With these weather patterns though, I'd probably have to move to Iceland to find a cooler summer.

That's it for now.


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