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Friday, July 13, 2012

HIV & Depression...

These articles, 1 & 2, both talk about HIV & depression.  The number of people with HIV who also suffer from depression is staggering.  I always associated it with the constant reminder of having a chronic illness, but apparently it's more than that.

For + people not on a anti-retroviral regimen, HIV dementia is a serious threat, for those people receiving meds it's fairly rare.  What is more common are issues with memory, emotions & motor functions.  While these are not as sever as the dementia, they can still be problematic.  Researchers think they've discovered a missing or deficient molecule that is responsible.  They are now studying how to reproduce that compound so it can introduced into HIV meds.

This sounds like a serious start.  I'll keep watching to see how this one goes.


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