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Friday, July 27, 2012

+ & Gray...

Check out this site & article.  Both of these talk about the fact that by 2015 over 50% of people living with HIV will be over 50.  Over 50, damn in the 80's you were lucky if you had 50 days past diagnosis, let alone living until you were half a century old.   Maybe the 50 days thing was a bit of an exaggeration, but the other part wasn't.

Blood pressure, diabetes, cancer & a host of others await older people.  This oughta be a hoot for us who are + as well.  Just the thought of possibly having to take more meds for other ailments besides HIV is irritating.  Avoiding blood pressure meds is one of the reasons I'm exercising now.  Not that exercise will help much if I get cancer.  It might help avoid diabetes & strokes though, better circulation & less fat.

Man, it was a trip just getting used to dealing with HIV in my 30's.  Now the thought of being older & having more issues, well that's a little more trying.  At least I'm sorta used to the HIV.  Hopefully all this exercise can keep the other stuff at bay.  Who knows, maybe I'll be lucky & die from a massive lightning bolt while I'm sleeping.


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