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Friday, July 6, 2012

Exercise Alterations Again...

Everywhere in the news they're talking about record highs being broken.  I saw an article citing that over 20,000 record highs have been broken in the USA already this year.  When it's mid 80's F in the morning with a heat index in the mid 90's, you know it's going to be a hot day.

Almost 2 weeks ago I added walking to my exercise routine.   When I start it was in the mid 70's in the mornings when I'd walk.  It's past that by 10 degrees now.  For a lot of people, that's nothing, hell it wasn't for me before HIV.  Now with HIV, my meds & being over weight it's a whole different story.

I could probably push it for a while longer & try to continue.  I can tell you where that would get me.  In a week or so, I'd be completely shot & barely able to do anything.  I was already prone to migraines before my meds & now when I get in bright sunlight or excessive heat the symptoms kick in quick; nausea, feeling light-headed, extreme sensitivity to light/sound & of course the pounding in my head.  

Modifications must be made at least until the thermometer deigns to get less red.  I'm adding more stair stepping to my routines throughout the day.  I know stair stepping is no replacement for walking, but right now it's the best I can do.   We will revisit walking when it gets cooler.  For now, it's hello stairs.  Remember, the point of exercise is to help you get healthier, not to make you sick.


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