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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Facing HIV...

I've been reading a lot about overcoming HIV in the last week.  A lot of people talk about treating everyone & an AIDS-Free generation.  Besides the matters costs & practicality, we need to look past those things & see some of other issues.  

The stigma of HIV is something that is talked about frequently.  Some people think we just need to get passed it.  OK, I'll bite.  How?  On things like bigotry & stigma there is no quick fix.  These things come from a place much darker than HIV.  HIV is a virus.  Bigotry & discrimination are hate & fear.  People decry what they fear.  They pronounce all sorts of evils on the thing, no matter what it is or has done.  From that fear springs hate, because many people despising acknowledging they fear something.   Until people get past their hate & fear, the stigma will remain.

This fear comes ignorance & intolerance.  Something not understood equates to something that is different & potentially harmful.  Therefore they fear it.  Until these people are taught the reality of HIV & untaught the hate so many ideologies spout there is no getting around this ignorance.

Then there is denial & myth.  There are so many untruths & shirks of responsibility when it comes HIV.  Only certain people get HIV.  You can only get HIV that way.  If you have HIV you're a bad person.  Then there is the question of whether or not you're a victim.  Unless you had no control in the manner by which you were infected, you are not a victim.  So stop asking, "Why me?"  

So, by all means people, come up with ways to test more people & get more people drugs earlier.  But, until you get people to deal with their anger, fear, ignorance, myths & irresponsible natures we aren't going to see an AIDS-Free world.  As much as the meds & medical approaches are needed here, so are compassion, understanding & support.  Maybe one day, we'll get all the above.


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