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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Reason Quo...

Finding myself without any articles I wish to explore & finding myself in a bit a debate yesterday has led to today's post.  A weight lifter & avid exercise enthusiast began telling everyone they had to get their heartbeats up to specific range for 30 minutes daily if they really wanted to be healthy.  

OK, I've heard this before & I started to ignore him.  However, he went on to say that anything less wasn't really exercise & that you might as well do nothing.  Then I called BS on the little banty rooster of a man.  He's like 5'5 or 165 cm.  The man is always sounding off about his fitness.  

I told him that if an overweight person who never moved unless necessary decided to get up & walk a circle around their home & then added a lap per day a week (considering that they added no more calories to their intake) that they would begin to lose weight.  Optimum exercise may be obtained where thia man said it was, but it's not the only way.   He had no idea that the heavier you are the more calories you expend doing anything.  Check out any decent calorie burn chart & they should ask for your weight.  According to the one at Health Status a person weighing 150 lbs/68 kg would burn 397 calories/hour of walking at 3 mph or 5.8 kph.   A person weighing 300 lbs/136 kg would burn 594 calories.  Then a person weighing 450 lbs/204 kg would burn 891 calories.

This man never took into consideration these people who outweighed him were hauling extra weight & not just during the exercise routine but every minute of the day.  The lightest person only burned 44% of the calories of the heaviest.  That's because they weren't carrying the extra weight.  Next time you wonder how hard is to be fat try adding some weight to your daily routine.  A fat suit is probably out of the question, but there are exercise weights for your wrists, ankles & waist.

If you're heavy, do as much as you can.  If it's just wiggling to start with, then by all means wiggle like a little kid stuck some place boring.  Then add more.  Eventually you'll be surprised with what all you can do.  Do what you can & if that doesn't suit someone else, that is their problem.

One of my favorites quotes lately is, "No matter how slow you're going, you're still lapping everyone on the couch."  Just remember motion is the key, keep moving.


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