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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

OT A Little...

I'm a little off topic on this one & perhaps a bit callous.  But to hell with it, I've already started.   This article talks about a boy who got part of his arm bit off by a gator.  I know that social niceties state I should feel sympathy & concern for him.  Let's just say I don't.  

This boy went swimming in an area know for having large gators & don't they just look like lovely swimming mates.  Add to that, this is mating season for the beasties & what'd you think was going to happen.  The alligator probably thought he was either food or competition. 

Now, we have a boy missing an arm & a dead gator.  I know, how dare I feel sympathy for reptile.  I'm pretty sure there are lot more humans in the world than alligators.  This animal's crime was acting like what it was.  They boy's crime was stupidity.  The gator just taught him a blunt lesson in life.

I know, I know, I'm still OT.  Let's just say it like this, when you go playing in areas you know damn well are dangerous then don't be surprised when you get hurt.  Doesn't matter if it's swimming with randy gators, driving recklessly or having unprotected sex.  At some point you have to say, damn that was stupid & I did it.  This is my own doing.  I brought this on myself.

If some of us who are + had played safer or perhaps less often, maybe we wouldn't be +.  That's just a maybe.  Then again if this boy hadn't gone swimming in that water he'd still have his arm.  Oh well, done for now.


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