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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Further Alterations In Exercise...

The first part of July was so pleasant.  Now, not so much.  I had been exercising for 10 minutes in the morning, around noon & then the later afternoon.  Since the heat & the humidity have gotten worse, I'm having to change my allocations.  I'm trying to do as much as I can in the mornings. 

This morning I did (in minutes):
  • Stretching:                  04
  • Stairs:                        10
  • Tension Cord Work:  03
That added up to 17 minutes.  I'm aiming for 25 to 30 minutes of exercise a day.  I count things that aren't part of my daily routine, like gathering & hauling out the trash.  Anything that adds movement, standing or exercise that is not part of my daily routine gets added to my exercise total.  This is often called NEAT or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis.   This basically refers to any activity that burns calories that aren't specifically exercise.   Like walking in place while you wait for the 3 minutes it'll take you microwave dinner to warm up.

I am never going to go whole-hog into the exercise thing.  I just want to lose weight & fight the sitting disease.  If you haven't heard of sitting disease you can Google it & find a ton of stuff.  It breaks down to the fact people in our society sit far more & move much less than their predecessors & it's one of the many reasons our society is far heavier than it used to be.  

For now, I am going to have to do as much of my exercise as I can in the earlier hours.  The afternoons are just too hot & muggy.  I'll do what I can in the mornings & try for another round of stairs around noon.  If not I'll try to do a lot more standing, walking in place or housework.


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