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Monday, July 30, 2012

Generics Are The Way...

According to this article, generics could save a lot of $ in the treatment of HIV patients.  Not to be rude, but Duh!  Snark aside, the point made here is that if we want the convenience of a 1-A-Day regimen, that is the top of the line, then we're going to pay for it.  The writer went on to discuss how shifting from a state of the art, 1-Pill treatment to an older 3+ pill treatment plan could save a remarkable amount in regards to $ & cost little in the efficacy.  The real payment here seems to be the inconvenience of multiple pill regimens.  Better multiple pills a day that work than not having any at all.

I would love to have a once a day regimen or at least have it so all my pills could be taken at the same time.  However, if the cost is significantly less, I'll continue to pay for it with my inconvenience.  The less these meds cost, the more people can get treatment.  It's that simple.  So, I'll deal with multiple pills throughout the day, with & without food, if it means the $'s to fund these programs can stretch farther.  My convenience is not worth someone else not getting their meds.


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