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Saturday, July 14, 2012

A Talent For Causing Things Pain...

This article talks about a dentist (of course), that has potentially exposed thousands of his patients to HIV, hepatitis & other illnesses because he reused his syringes & needles.  This went on for over a decade & now  the Denver area health officials are having to contact all these people & inform them that they need to be tested.

The Colorado health officials sent out 8,000 letters like that.  Imagine if only 5% were infected.  That's 400 people infected with HIV or Hep for over a decade giving it to who knows how many other people.  Try explaining that to your spouse, "Honestly, I didn't cheat on you... the dentist gave it to me."  I'm simplifying that, because they wouldn't have known the dentist did it.

Apparently, he was already being investigated for pharmaceutical issues before this came out.  Now his practice is closed & these people are in limbo.  Some are calling for prison time.  I say he should be strung up & left to feed the crows.  These syringes are cheap, about $1 USD, & he couldn't be bothered to use a new one. Disgusting.


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