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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Reality Fallout...

For a while now I've been addressing some developing issues regarding HIV; At-Home Testing, Anti-Aids Pills & an AIDS-Free Generation.   I've read a few articles & giving support to my concerns & noted quite a few personal bloggers saying the same.  Now it seems the professionals are getting off their cushy asses & starting to speak out on the matter.

There are more professionals asking about the efficacy of the at-home test & whether or not OraSure can or will provide adequate support services for the product & it's users.  As for the Anti-AIDS drug, the professionals are finally starting to take seriously the idea a lack of adherence & who will pay for or take the meds.  Off to the AIDS-Free generation.  Let's talk about costs, practicality & the fact there will still be millions of people needing meds for decades to come even if no else ever is diagnosed as being +.

If bloggers & the web-reporters can pick up these issues, then why did it take so long for the professionals to get vocal about it.  Maybe they did say something here or there, but nothing nearly loud enough to have an impact.  They didn't speak out strongly enough to seriously question any of these things until they were well under way.  Maybe they were to afraid of losing grant $ or seeming like Chicken Little. I don't know.  Oh well, at least they're talking now.

I'm not trying to bash all these ideas.  I'm not even saying they won't work.  I am saying this is not going to be some glorious picnic with champagne, caviar & roses.  It's time we take off the rose-tinted glasses & look at the real world applications of these pie-in-the-sky plans.


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