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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Done Deal...

I've mentioned this before, the completely at home HIV self-test.  There have been others that require the samples to be sent into labs, but this is one utterly at home.  No more need for the labs, the FDA has approved OraQuick.

You can go from being totally oblivious to your HIV status to wrecked in 30 minutes with OraQuick.  I see the potential gains of this test, but I also see the pitfalls.  

  • The cost will be over $18.00, so say $20 USD at least.  That may not sound like much, but for a lot of people it's enough for them not go that route.
  • According to the article, this is not idiot proof test.  There are ways to screw it up & it has been known to give both false +'s & -'s.
Those 2 things alone should be enough to challenge this decision.  Oh but wait, the FDA is requiring the company to provide a call-in counseling service.   Oh what joy & yippee!   Like a call-in service is really going to provide someone who just found out they're + with any real support.  I seriously hope I'm wrong about this.  I hope all goes well with, but I doubt it.  

When I finally tested +, I was wrecked body & spirit.  If I had used one of these things, there is a good chance I wouldn't have said anything to anyone & just lived with it, at least until I didn't.  When you're this ill, you're exhausted & not in a mood for a fight or drama.  A person just might want it to end.  What about the people who know their families/friends will shun them, what are they really suppose to do with this info?  Oh well, that's just my thoughts on the matter.


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