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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Party's Over...

It's the 5th & the celebration & fireworks are mostly a done deal.  For some people that's sad, for others its a relief.  The animals in my neighborhood are bound to thankful it's over.  The property owners are probably a little less worried about grass fires.  Then again, there are those people who have other reasons not to be fond of this holiday or others.

Some people get cranky when others don't live up to their idea of proper festiveness.  In my opinion, that's their problem.  I'm not really a fan of the Winter holiday season, but I do my best to get through it without too much bitching.

It's not the days themselves I have a problem with. It's not the religious connotations or ideology behind the days.  No, I don't mind buying presents.  I'm actually a great gift shopper.  For me these days have more negatives than positives associated with them.  They aren't times of great memories, they're times of being anxious & nervous, just waiting to see what type of hell was going to show its head.

So yes, I'm happy the 4th is over with. For me it's a matter of noise & concern for fires.  For others there might be memories being stirred up, they'd rather leave forgotten.  Memories can take you to bad places very quickly.  These moments can be very hard on a person.  When someone tells you they'd don't like holidays, unless they want to talk about it, just let it be.

Let it be... 3 simple words, most of us can't even really fathom.


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