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Sunday, July 22, 2012

An Aids Free Generation... Really...

I've been reading articles & seeing news blips that push for an AIDS-Free generation.  Nice thought, but is it even possible?  There are many obstacles in the way of this dream.  Let's start:

1.  To prevent HIV, you'd have to treat everyone infected.
2.  To treat everyone infected, you'd have to identify them.
3.  To test everyone, you'd have to get them to cooperate.
4.  You'd need to deal with the ignorance/stigma surrounding HIV
5.  Once educated & tested, you'd need the $ to treat them.
6.  The people would have to adhere to their meds.
7. All sexual relations would have to be as safe as possible.

Accepting that all the above was possible, you'd have to keep that up for a few generations.  Even then, the virus would still be present.  Polio & small pox still lurk out there right along side the plague.  I think the idea of an HIV free world is great, but I don't think it's possible given the current state of social affairs, economy & technology.  I think we need goals to fight HIV, but I also think those aspirations have to be obtainable.


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