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Thursday, July 12, 2012

2nd Week Of July Almost Gone...

The tail end of June & the beginning of July were hot, not hella-hot like last year, but hot.  The last week was nice.  We've had some rain & stayed mainly in the 90's F.  This is what summer here is supposed to be like.  We're only supposed to be hella-hot a couple weeks of August.

Some of the yard is a little less yellow & crunchy after the rain, but we're still under a burn ban.  It looks like we'll actually have to get the yard mowed again.  The house has been mostly pleasant, except for some sticky afternoons.

The cool down was welcome, even if it won't last long.  It let us turn off the AC.  It's been a lot easier getting daily routines done.  The cats have slept better.  We've slept better.  That means my roomie & me are both doing better health wise.

I'm still exercising & I'm considering a mini-stepper to help me out.  We'll see how that turns out.  I have to get labs drawn towards the end of the month for an appointment in August. For now, that's about it.


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