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Thursday, July 26, 2012

On A Hot Summer Night...

Last night was the 1st really hot night this summer & I didn't see any wolves with red roses.  All I saw was heat stressed cats strewn across my floor, trying to get indirect fan exposure.  Two of the cats have gimp eye right now due to all the fans.  Alice has it worse & is on meds again for it, she just loves that.

I can reasonably handle the hot days.  I do my best to avoid the heat & light.  But hot nights, they really screw with me.   The heat makes it difficult to sleep.  The humidity makes it hard to breathe.  Yet somehow, I still wake up utterly dehydrated. 

It takes me hours of being up & drinking every thing I can get my hands on, to even start to feel moderately human again.  I wonder if mummies are really dead people, or just some folks who totally dried out in their sleep.  The biggest problem here is the lack of sleep.  Losing sleep really does a number on my world, especially my health.

Hopefully tonight will be cooler & I can sleep better.


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