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Saturday, July 7, 2012


As I said yesterday, I modified my exercise routine to include stairs to counter the temporary withdrawal of walking.  I calculated how much time I would have to spend climbing stairs to approximate my walk.  It wasn't surprising that stair stepping was going to burn more calories than walking.  The 13 minute morning walk could easily be replaced with 8 minutes on the stairs.  I was breaking these up throughout the day, so I opted for 5 minutes per session.  I thought, 15 minutes big whoo.  

WTF.  Even at just 5 minute intervals this was harder than the full on walk.  It starts out & you're like, OK, I can handle this, no big deal.  Then it's, hmmm, I'm starting to feel this.  Then, it's like, OK this is getting to be  real exercise.  By the end of the 5 minutes my heart was up to 120 & I still had the other half of my routine to do.  Steps are deceivingly trying.  By the time I get back to walking, my legs should be in much better shape.


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