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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Say What...

OK, no pic today & please go read this article before I get started.  How many ways can I say this is stupid?  It wouldn't matter, because it would never be enough to express how idiotic this approach is.  The CDC has flipped its freaking lid.

So, they're going to focus mostly on metro areas & not rural.  That's going to work so well in the American Southeast.  

They're going to defund prevention programs that focus on keeping people at risk from becoming +.  This will also take out a lot of counseling programs.  

They're shifting the focus from personal responsibility, to making those already + carry the weight of preventing transmissions.  That'll work wonderful for all those + people who haven't got a clue they are +.

This is just ridiculous.  Let's screw the small towns & rural areas yet again.  Let's not focus on keeping people safe, let's just assume the infected one's will do that for us.  To all those at the CDC, you've lost your  damned minds.


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