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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Let The God Crazies Raise Up..

I'm putting a link to two places, 1 & , both discussing how a + man was denied his meds by a self-righteous doctor in a New Jersey hospital.  I haven't wished harm (much) on anyone in the confines of this blog, but if these posts are correct this doctor needs to be summarily shot.  A person's right to whatever religious nonsense they proscribe to is their business & right.  However, that right ends at the tip of their nose.  Religious freedom, includes not being religious or having to put up with others ritualized insanity.

Yes, I religion bashed.  But I've had it used against me enough for it to merit a few licks back.  Now, someone's probably going to scream about how I'm limiting their religious freedom.  Whatever.  What about this man's right to be treated well by the hospital & given his meds.  I hoped he sues every last cent out of that doctor & hospital for his atrocity.

Here's one last link on the matter.  It has video.  I'm done ranting.  


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