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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Still Not Right...

Over the last month or so there has been an uproar in New Zealand over a preschool boy's parents being asked by his school to remove him because he is +.  This is seriously rattling some cages down there & rightfully so.  In this country of roughly about 4.5 million people, there are suspected to be about 40 children with HIV. 

They suspect that most parents of + kids are keeping the wraps on the matter.  Mums the word & all.  These parents don't want their children facing the discrimination this little boy is going through.  Still, these kids are being taught in a roundabout way that they have to keep their mouths shut about being +.  Great message they're getting, isn't it?

It's a conundrum. Do you keep quiet to protect the child at the risk making them feel like they're something to be reviled & hidden away?  Or do we chance openness, at the risk of rampant, ignorant discrimination?  If I had a kid, I'm not sure what I would do.

This really sucks.  30 years past Ryan White & we're still judging little kids.  It's not like they're out there turning ricks & shooting up.  They're not spending their evenings in tea rooms & rest stops.  These are children.  Children, who just happen to be +.  It's time to stop treating them like monsters.


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