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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's Here...

The 1st day of Summer is here & the world of articles is a bit light today.  There are some things around the bend, but for now, we'll talk about the season.  This used to be my fav season of the year, now, not so much.  It didn't get nearly as hot as it does now & if it did, you only had to deal with it in August.

We've agreed to take a new approach to cooling the house this year.  Hopefully, it'll go well.  I know I will, but I'm going to try not to gripe non-stop about the heat.  For all of you out there that don't understand when people say, "It's not the heat, it's the humidity..."  Come down south  & spend a day during the Summer & then you'll get it.

Here's hoping for a nice, not hellishly hot Summer.


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