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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Not Forgotten Or Gone...

This article in the The U.S. News & World Report, discusses how gonorrhea has gone from a disease that used to be handled with a simple dose of penicillin to one the verge of being incurable.  This bacteria is being called a superbug with an amazing ability to grow resistant to medications & maintain a resistance memory to those it was exposed to in the past.  

Gonorrhea would join herpes & HIV as the incurable STD's.  Gonorrhea is often thought of as a minor STD, something easily handled without many complications.  That's only true if the bacteria is treated early & is curable.  If not this ailment can cause a host of issues throughout the body.  

This drives home the need to use protection when engaging in sex.   Concurrent infection is a possibility as well.  A person engaging risky behaviors could wind up with HEPC, TB & a host of incurable STD's.  Be nice to yourself, play safe.


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