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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The past couple of weeks have been filled with unwanted changes.  Changes to our schedule, the weather, noise levels outside, etc...  Our internet connection has been a weak maybe most of the time & the list of crap continues.  The stress levels have been high & they've got to both my roomie & myself.  You have to understand when you are on limited funds, you have to make the best out of what you have.  That makes the internet 1 of our only outlets & having that outlet threatened is troubling.  The other changes have amped the anxiety & made sleep challenging.  I've never really enjoyed surprises, even good ones.  They are crises just waiting to unveil themselves & I don't need any more crap right now.  

Before  you go trying alter things that are going to affect other people's day, think about how this will impact them.  It's isn't your place to decide it'll be good for them.   If you made a plan stick to it.  If you provide a service that has been paid for, then provide it.  Most people have enough trouble in their life without others stirring the pot.  Often people, think, well all I wanted to was change this small thing.  The problem is that changing that small thing can often snowball into a huge problem for the other person.

I can't do anything about the weather.  I can't change what the government will or won't do.  But I can look into other service providers, say no it is not alright for to change our schedule or whatever else is being challenged.   You have to put your foot down where you can & try to go with it when you can't.  Limiting stress in your life by having some orderly means of handling day to day events is a good thing.  If other's cant see that, well that's their problem.


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