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Sunday, June 17, 2012


I know Summer doesn't officially start for a few more days, but it's here & we'll have to deal with it for the next few months.    I've covered being + in the Summer before, but it bears repeating.  Being + or sick at all in the summer time sucks.

The high temperatures & humidity can & will aggravate symptoms you already have & present new challenges as well.   Many medications mix badly with excess light/heat.  You need to know your meds & how they will affect you during this season.  

  • Stay hydrated
  • Stay as cool as possible
  • Stay out of direct light when possible
  • Use sunscreen
  • Avoid excess exertion in the heat/light
  • Take breaks
These are some pointers for getting through the Summer.  If you start having health issues contact your doctor.  Summer is hard on healthy people.  Even if your numbers are good, if you have HIV, you still aren't  as healthy as you used to be.  These meds are rough stuff.  Take care of yourself & try to enjoy the season.


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