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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Taking A Walk...

Summer heat has altered the way I sleep & I've found myself stiff in the morning.  I decided to add walking to my exercise routine.  I need the exercise & walking helps me work out stiffness I'm experiencing.

I plotted my course with Google Maps.  I didn't take everything into consideration, like a really annoying hill & a couple of loose dogs.  I walked fairly early so it would still be somewhat cooler.  My feet & legs were getting sore towards the end, but I managed to pull off a mile walk without huffing & puffing.  

I was surprised with my time.  I made my mile in 16.48 minutes.  OK, a nearly 17 minute mile is no record breaker, but it was faster than I had expected.  I am very pleased with my time because:

  • I am fairly overweight
  • I have not walked a mile in over 2 decades
  • I did not plan to take on a hilly road
  • I had to slow down to deal a mad dog, a needy cat & some litter in my drive
  • 16 minutes is still considered to be in fitness walking range
  • That was walking at around 3.6 miles per hour
  • That burned off 130 - 150 calories
I have revised my map & plan on seeing what my time will be like without the hills & the dogs.  At this point, I'm just bench marking.  I want to start with a 10 minute walk to replace my morning exercise routine 3 times a week.  I go shopping in the morning twice a week & get plenty of walking there.  I can do so stair work on the remaining days.

The only things I really see preventing me from continuing this are illness, the temperature getting too high in the mornings & my own laziness.   At least one of those I can try to overcome.  I really believe in recognizing  your accomplishments & I think this deserves some recognition.  Woo Hoo to me!


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