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Monday, June 18, 2012

What Specialist?...

This article may give you some idea of what I have to deal with in my area for HIV care.   This list details the number of HIV specialists in each state.  I'm sure the numbers may vary a little here & there, but it gets the point across.  Oklahoma has 5, a whopping big ole 5.  Count them with me, 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. AH, AH, AH...

Hey, 5's better than the 0 Arkansas had.  Even so, my neighbor state was more helpful in the beginning of my HIV journey than Oklahoma was.   In a state of nearly 4 million people & of almost 6,000 HIV cases, there are only 5 medical specialists.   That's 1 doctor per 1,200 HIV patients.  Talk about overbooked.

This is what I have to work with in my state.  The vast majority of medical people I deal with have no training in or with HIV.  Luckily I have the Telemedicine people.   Even then, most of the staff I see are medical students doing a rotation, very few if any with opt for HIV as their area of interest.  Oh well, things could be worse.


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