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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Unchecked & In Danger...

OK, this article is scary.  There is plenty of info out about people with HIV & cardiovascular disease.  Now, this one comes along & warns us of a greater risk of strokes in + people not being treated.  I'm not going to try to synapse this one too much.  Just read the article.  

The additional risk for strokes among this group was estimated between 20 - 40%.  It also states that HIV patients are more apt to have risk factors for high blood pressure, heart disease & diabetes.  The risk of stroke was more significant among women & those between the ages of 18 - 29.  Only after the age of 50 did the chances level out between those with HIV & those without.  

The higher the viral load, the greater the risk of stroke.  HIV can lead to inflammation, which lead to cardiovascular illness.  This in turn can add risks for a stroke.  As far as I am concerned, this is yet another reason for everyone getting tested.  


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