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Thursday, June 14, 2012


On a personal note, I'm at a point with my exercise that I feel more comfortable accepting changes in my routine from time to time.  There are mornings I simply don't have enough time to accomplish all that I need to. I have opted to forego my morning exercise session on these days.  I can half the difference between the 2 later sessions.  If I'm going shopping, I'm accepting some of that walking about as exercise time.

In the beginning of my routine, I couldn't of done this.  I wouldn't have trusted myself enough to complete the extra exercise in the next sessions.   I would've thought the time spent shopping wasn't suited to be considered part of the routine, even though I was spending 20+ minutes walking, picking things up, pushing an annoying cat & unpacking groceries.

It's hard to give one's self leeway enough to make these adjustments in the beginning of any new standard.  That's the point of it becoming standard, a given.  But at some point, you have to trust yourself enough to actually keep your promises to yourself.  Nothing worse than lying to yourself.

So there, I did not do my 10 minute morning exercise routine.  I did go shopping & will add extra time to my afternoon sessions.  This is not a big thing, but in a way it is.


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