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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Free For All...

The Vatican has called for an end to the HIV era.  They seek to eliminate the illness & the devastation it has wrought.   They feel a cure is in the near future & until then it should be free meds to all those infected.   Great, love the sentiment, but who's going to pay for that?

The Cardinal spoke about wanting cures & meds, but didn't discuss prevention.  At least not in any of the articles I found referencing today's announcement.   The church's previous stance on prevention has been abstinence & remaining faithful to the marriage bed.  It was hinted a while back that male prostitutes using condoms might not be a bad thing, because they could be protecting the welfare of their partners.  Albeit, the Vatican made sure everyone understood they weren't condoning the use of condoms.

If I get this right, everyone is supposed to be married, or abstain from sex, or get free meds & this will just clear up the mess.  Wow, that almost sounds Baptist, except for the free part.  Treatment without prevention will not stop HIV.   HIV has to be prevented & besides testing & educational outreach, condoms are the best hope available at this time.

Maybe one day, we'll be able to practice medicine & cure ailments without having to deal with so many people's agendas.  I know, wishful thinking.  


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