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Monday, June 25, 2012


This article discusses an attempt by Walgreens, Greater Than Aids & Erase Doubt to normalize HIV testing.  They want to make screening so common no one even thinks about not doing it.  I agree with the idea.  Over 30% of + people aren't tested until they're within in a year of being diagnoses as having AIDS.  The longer it takes to be diagnosed the worse the illness is going to be on you.  

I had passed into that category before my status was confirmed.   My counts were awful & my viral load was tremendous.  I wound up in the hospital.  Even now, after a decade, my numbers still aren't what they should be.  I still don't feel that great most of the time.  Maybe, if I had been diagnosed when I still had a decent CD4 level I would be in better shape now.

Regular, non-eventful testing is key to finally getting a real grasp on the HIV problem.   With a variety of places & means to get tested, there isn't a reason not to these days. We have to get people to see HIV as just another virus & not some scarlet letter disease.


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